Monday, May 9, 2011

Usher's Syndrome: A brief introduction from yours truly

Hello all of you in the blogger world!
Before you read on, let me explain why I am blogging in the first place.
My name is Joan Ramone (just kidding, my mother won't let me state my real name on the world wide web. I thought any rock fans would get a kick out of this), and I suffer from type 3 Usher's syndrome. What is Usher's syndrome?, you may ask. Well, to give a brief overview, I will eventually not be able to hear well (why I like rock), see well or walk with much balance. Before you feel bad for me, remember- some people are born that way! (Not Helen Keller thought, she contacted scarlet fever!) I will get into more detail about the disease later, as not to completely wear out your eyes, fellow bloggers!
How cruel, you might say, to be born like that!
I feel your pity, I really do, but that's not why I am here blogging today.
I am here because this could happen to YOU (especially if you are an Ashkenazi Jew!). That's right, Usher's is autosomal recessive, meaning that some of you could be carrying that gene right now!
Do yourself a favor and get tested for the gene. Your future children do not want Usher's syndrome. Don't worry, I even have a picture to show you how the inheritance works!
I am that little fourth child...
Until next Post!
Joan Ramone

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